Monday, September 19, 2011

yearly calendar 2011

yearly calendar 2011. annual calendar 2011. annual
  • annual calendar 2011. annual

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    As for the stimulus packages, Ford just reported a profit, and that company refused the stimulus money. If a company is going to fail let it do that. Let it take responsibility for its own blunders. Don't let a codependent government rescue it.

    That's not "liberalism". Bush did the same thing for the banks. And when did Obama leave a baby in a room alone to die? Dude, what are you smoking today? ;)

    yearly calendar 2011. free yearly calendar 2011
  • free yearly calendar 2011

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 6, 01:22 PM
    I hope that number keeps rising; we need competition to not let Apple rest on it's laurels.

    yearly calendar 2011. annual calendar 2011. stock
  • annual calendar 2011. stock

  • blahblah100
    Mar 31, 05:27 PM
    The amount of people who never bought an Apple product, but will still log-on to blast away at anything Apple is really quite amusing. ;)

    The amount of people who never bought a Microsoft product, but will still log-on to blast away at anything Microsoft is really quite amusing. ;)

    Unfortunately, it goes both ways.

    yearly calendar 2011. 2011 Annual Calendar of Events
  • 2011 Annual Calendar of Events

  • SuperSnake2012
    Aug 5, 11:42 PM
    Here, let me show you the art and science of rumoring (, Apple-style.
    The funny thing is that the website is almost spot on with everything. :D

    yearly calendar 2011. annual calendar 2011 one page.
  • annual calendar 2011 one page.

  • iWonderwhy
    Mar 22, 07:25 PM

    iOS 5 will only further put these wannabes back in their place.

    yearly calendar 2011. free printable yearly calendar
  • free printable yearly calendar

  • AppleDroid
    Apr 10, 02:46 PM
    I know people here (from reading) aren't fans of Blu-ray because Steve doesn't like it but it has it's place. Right now there isn't a better way to give people HD video (Not everyone has the ability to, or wants to, stream it via online)

    That said I will wait and see what they have to offer officially, although the back and forth her is entertaining. ;)

    Based on the video I'd be betting the other way; that DVD SP will not get updated. It will be supported, but on the way out.

    Physical media's relevancy is waning by the day. And if Apple has a "be where the puck will be" attitude then it's not going to put energy in propping up a dying war horse.

    If you need a one-off Blu-Ray disc you can already out put to Blu-Ray via Compressor then burn via Toast. I can see Apple declaring hard media dead before I see it enhancing support BD-R.

    yearly calendar 2011. 2011 Yearly Calendar With
  • 2011 Yearly Calendar With

  • lieb39
    Aug 7, 06:47 PM
    The new time machine feature looks really cool - and I'm sure that a option for 'secure delete' will be there - so it's not stored in the Time Machine..

    Not much chatter about the preview of Leopard Server - Sneak Preview here ( - Just supporting the new Leopard..

    This is interesting; how do they figure that they can get the service to a mobile phone?



    yearly calendar 2011. blank yearly calendar 2011.
  • blank yearly calendar 2011.

  • samh004
    Nov 28, 07:14 PM
    I was under the assumption that the money paid to Universal was to allow the streaming of music from one device to another. I assumed that was the real reason behind the payment.

    Seeing as Apple does not stream music to random devices, they shouldn't have to pay a royalty.

    I don't think I voiced my opinion about this last time it was brought up, but I reckon although the iPod makes enough profit so as not to pass that royalty onto the consumer (in price), I would still feel like I was paying that royalty, were I to buy an iPod.

    If I felt like I paid a royalty, and was already downloading songs legally from iTunes anyway, I'd want to download more stuff illegally than I have before, just to make use of that royalty.

    That's what I will do if I have to buy an iPod in the future with a pre-paid royalty. You heard me... this tactic will only encourage more piracy. Stupid really !

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly Calendar+2011+may+
  • yearly Calendar+2011+may+

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:26 PM
    My Radio Shack Manager knows nothing about PIN numbers and is opening at normal 9AM tomorrow. Says he still doesn't know exactly how the pre-orders will be conducted. Hasn't heard from corporate yet. Still in the dark he says. :confused:

    The company call was at 3:30pm cst, then my DM held a call with us at 5pm cst. No reason he shouldn't have the info.

    yearly calendar 2011. and yearly Calendar+2011+
  • and yearly Calendar+2011+

  • Highland
    Nov 28, 06:49 PM
    it's ridiculous for Universal to even be thinking this. NONE of the money would get to artists or anything like that. it would just go to the company.
    Yep. I haven't seen any plans for any of the cash to be distributed to the Universal artists. This is appalling behavior.

    Btw, Universal (unfortunately) own a pretty massive music catalogue. So if they did threaten to pull out of iTS, Apple might listen. You'd hope it's way too late for that though. I think iTS has enough of a head start that even Universal etc couldn't threaten Apple.

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011
  • yearly calendar 2011

  • spazzcat
    Mar 22, 01:36 PM
    Sorry, completely forgot about that.

    iOS rocks in apps, but it does suck *** in terms of notifications and true multitasking.

    Apple should've been the ones to buy Palm.

    Apples multitasking is way better they anything out there. On these devices battery rules all...

    yearly calendar 2011. 2011 yearly calendar
  • 2011 yearly calendar

  • MacinDoc
    Aug 26, 12:45 AM
    Yep. My serial falls into the range and the website still won't accept it. I guess I will have to sit on hold Monday morning.
    According to some people who have spoken with Apple customer service reps, some batteries within the listed ranges were not manufactured by Sony, which is why they don't qualify for replacement. Apparently, there is no easy way for the consumer to identify whether his/her battery is a Sony or not.

    I suspect that because of all of the confusion, Apple will end up replacing all of the batteries in the listed ranges, whether they are Sony-manufactured or not, to avoid the wrath of customers who believe they are being ripped off if their batteries don't qualify. In the past, Apple has gone beyond what was required to correct situations that just looked bad.

    Maybe this whole thing would have been easier if the serial numbers on the batteries somehow indicated their manufacturer (of course, that's just hindsight, but I hope Apple remembers this in the future).

    yearly calendar 2011. annual calendar 2011
  • annual calendar 2011

  • animatedude
    Apr 7, 09:21 AM
    If June 2011 is set, then i would expect:

    Sandy Bridge
    4GB RAM default
    256GB SSD max

    Sandy Bridge
    4GB RAM default
    512GB SSD max
    Back-lit keyboard
    Ext Superdrive free (hi end model)


    ok don't be as ass! back-lit keyboard on the 13' but not the 11' would be heartbreaking for those of us who wants the 11 and will make the decision making between the two even harder..

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar template 2011.
  • yearly calendar template 2011.

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 17, 10:48 PM
    I drive a Focus, so... no :D
    :rolleyes: thats ok i drive a lancer ;)

    Most people will never be able to afford a ford GT, but most people would be able to save up and buy a WRX and put a little work into it (even if it does take a few years of saving extra money), so i just find it more fun to push a WRX to its limits instead of a GT.
    im a Subie boy at heart. ill eventually get an STi and play around with it.

    yearly calendar 2011. free printable yearly calendar
  • free printable yearly calendar

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:00 PM
    ya.. not like it's on right on the "features" page of iphone's website, ( .) It isn't like they have a whole page about it, ( .)

    Who would think the an electronic device such as an iPhone would know your exactly location? And why would any cache information locally when the same exactly information can be gotten over a slow, inconsistent connection?
    Location services is not the same as storing every place you've ever been.
    Why does the db never get cleared?

    If location info is required for an app, why would I want to use info from possibly over a year ago that may no longer be accurate?

    I won't put on a tinfoil hat just yet. For now I'll just chalk this issue up to sloppy programming. ;)

    Same on the iPhone... this is not what we're talking about here. Application tracking has always been opt in or out.

    This is just a database of cell tower pings. That's all. it's shared with NO ONE and goes nowhere except on your phone. It's like your web browser cache.
    Apple still fails to answer the question of "why?"
    Why do they need it if it is not used?

    I know why a web browser has a cache. At least the web browser is smart enough to clean that up after a while.

    yearly calendar 2011. blank yearly calendar 2011.
  • blank yearly calendar 2011.

  • katyoshi
    Apr 7, 01:18 AM
    This is why I waited for them to update the C2D first before purchasing. I will be buying the top 13". :rolleyes:

    yearly calendar 2011. New+year+calendar+2011+
  • New+year+calendar+2011+

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 12:21 PM
    The Mac Pro isn't for most people. It's for professionals and professional applications, which are usally multithreaded, and will take advantage of the capabilities.

    If you have a complaint about all these cores and not being able to take advantage of them, then this is not the computer for you. You're probably not using the software that will take advantage of them, so let it go and stop whining about it. For the those of us that do, this is great news.Thank you shelterpaw. And Bravo! Couldn't have said it better. Those who don't see the point of a lot of cores are not doing anything like what those of us who do are. :)I'm underutilizing my cpu nearly all of the time, but that's irrelevant-what really matters to me is that fraction of the time when I *am* asking it to do 4 things at once, and I want it do them at the same speed that each could be done individually.Zactly. This is the most reason - not that you need this level of performance 24/7. Thank you for that daver.

    yearly calendar 2011. blank yearly calendar 2011.
  • blank yearly calendar 2011.

  • bibbz
    Jun 15, 11:36 AM
    Se after some clarification, heres the process...

    We cant guarantee you a phone, but if you "reserve" and have a pin number, you will get a phone. We just cant make a promise, guarantee, or anything like that per apple.

    The same still applies, if we take 10 pins, we get 10 phones.

    yearly calendar 2011. annual calendar 2011 one page.
  • annual calendar 2011 one page.

  • Dave00
    Aug 7, 03:50 PM
    Well, looks like Apple has figured out what to do with all that extra space most of us have on our hard drives. Even though only changes are saved, it seems like this will take up an enormous amount of space, especially for multimedia files like movies, etc. Plus, if only changes are stored, it would seem that to restore a file would entail starting with the original, and applying all the changes since then - wouldn't that take quite a long time? And saving a file would probably take longer too... smells like alot of system slowdown. Still, I'll be very impressed if this actually works without a huge number of bugs - it has to be a phenomenally complicated task to keep track of everything. And it LOOKS really cool. :)


    Mar 31, 04:32 PM
    That's ridiculous.. If It was for HTC, my Hero would have it's support blocked in a 2.1 buggish system with a daylong battery life.. Thanks to "cooked" rom I've 2.3 Gingerbread with an overclocked phone, terminal access and 5 day of battery...

    Stupid.. stupid move indeed...

    Apr 12, 09:13 AM
    I think the User's Group meeting isn't until 4:30, so we are in for a wait...

    Apr 27, 08:17 AM
    for all the tin foil hatters out there, what will happen to the phone performance when the location services are turned off?

    Jun 9, 07:23 PM

    I have a couple questions.. I want to preorder with radioshack. I am NOT the primary account holder, but I am an authorized user. I also know the last 4 digits of the account holders social. Will this be a problem when picking up the phone?

    I also have a FAN account. Will these be a problem?

    Mar 31, 03:52 PM
    You're moving the goal posts. That always has been the wonderful thing about the words "open" and "free" with respect to software. They never really meant much but had such loaded connotations. You can change the definition mid-argument as easily as you change what hat you're wearing.
    I look ace in a Trilby.
    You know, projecting isn't healthy at all.
    You'd best stop then old fella (yea, I can play forum clich�d response 101 as well, /tips-hat)

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