Monday, September 19, 2011

daily planner

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:45 PM
    Well, I dont know where to begin... I work in science and you have to trust me when I say that you can't deduct anything from the "facts" you have. You are guessing.
    The fact is that GSM has 81% of the world market... and that makes cdma a small market.
    It's called an estimate... a scientist should know what that is. Care to dispute, then provide your own "facts". I also have a science background... big whoppde do! And I standby my assumption that the amount of internet usage is probably a good gauge of cell phone usage.

    +15% of +1.5bil is hardly small. It may be in the minority, but +150mil people from affluent countries is a very profitable market.

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  • ctdonath
    Mar 22, 02:04 PM
    Now it has become a battle of who will get my $500 bucks.

    A competitor who fails to show up in time forfeits the match.
    Not much of a battle now, is it?

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  • Daily Planner Templates are an

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 21, 09:29 AM
    Choosing icons that have taken on universal meanings and thus are similar, is quite a bit different from direct copying, of which we see none.

    The closest ones in that group are probably the phones, and yet if you search for a phone icon on the web, or even on cell phone buttons, probably a quarter of them are slanted. Moreover, green is an extremely common color for the primary phone button, which is why Apple chose it themselves.

    The use of rounded square icon backgrounds is a bit more damning, but still a style choice. Also, Apple's has a shadow and my Fascinate doesn't have the rounded square on most anyway.

    Btw, I have noticed that Apple hasn't tried to claim ownership of the twirling wait symbol, but a lot of us were using that before they were.

    I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS.

    ooh i was just waiting for that magical term 'generic' that we always hear about after another 'copy' comes along. 'Style choices' is a classic, are you a politician?

    "Hey look at how well designed that iPhone is I think I'll make a few 'style choices' and copy every single one of their icons..then have my lawyers deem them all generic".

    daily planner. The Day Planner
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  • SPUY767
    Aug 17, 10:48 AM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    Awesome on FileMaker and I can't wait to see how this stuff runs Adobe PS Natively.

    The vague manner in which they described the test, it seems like this may have been more of an I/O problem than a processing one. Can't say for sure.

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  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 10:49 PM
    Really, completely new? As in, to Core 2 what the G5 was to G4? In just two years?? I guess they're really ramping things up... Core 3 Hexa Mac Pros, anyone?

    Intel's stated plans as I understand them are thus:

    A new micro-arch every 2 years. I don't think they mean brand new so much as "significant changes/improvements". Whether this is akin to Yonah->Conroe or Netburst->Conroe remains to be seen, but more like the former (or perhaps Pentium-M -> Merom -- Core Duo was very much a stop-gap). Little has been released about Nehalem, but at one time it was slated as "based on Banias/Dothan", due in 2005 and expected to ramp to 9/10GHz.

    "Off" years will recieve derivative versions (e.g. Merom->Penryn), which appears to be mostly stuff like L2 cache increases, faster FSB speeds (at least while we have FSBs - 2008 looks like the year for DCI, finally), die shrinks, increasing the number of cores (expect at least one to be more cores on a single die instead of two dice/package), etc.

    Die shrinks are currently scheduled for "off" years, in order to stablize the process ready for the new micro-arch in the following year so Intel doesn't need to deal with both new process and new arch at the same time, and presumably in part to keep speed increases coming in "off" years

    Of course, roadmaps can change quite rapidly -- it's not that long ago that Whitfield was expected to debut late 2006 with DCI (FSB replacement). Whitfield was replaced by Tigerton which is now due sometime in 2007...

    One thing's for sure, Intel appears to have learnt a great deal from the Netburst fiasco -- how not to do things, if nothing else. Unfortunately, they still estimate ~50% of processors shipping in 1Q2007 will be netburst-based (mostly Pentium-D).

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  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 20, 06:16 PM
    Nobody will ever want to use an Xserve on their desktop, and nobody setting up a compute cluster will want to build it from desktop boxes.

    Hehe, I remember Virginia Tech having built the 3rd fastest supercomputer out of 1100 dual powermacs G5. Back then, the XServe G5 wasn't available. You can see that in the MWSF 2004 keynote (minute 25 ff). They later switched to the Xserve G5 when those came out. It had 10.28 TF for just $5.2M.

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  • Funkymonk
    Mar 31, 10:56 PM
    I have 2 friends with android, one with an HTC and one with Samsung Galaxy S.

    They have different OS versions since they aren't able to update it, they get crap bugs and error in almost every software they use. I say to one of them to update to lastest version, he told me he can't because he need to do it from "root"... i don't know, but at least i was able to install WhatsApp on their phones, the only thing i care :-P Naturally they are using their device at minimum, few software and one of them neither have 3G connection. When we are at pub, they all use my iPhone for browsing and gaming (sigh) as always has been.

    lol I think your friends may have some serious mental disabilities. jesus christ you're making it sound like android is unusable lol

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  • reden
    Apr 6, 01:36 PM
    I purchased a Xoom over the weekend it's a great device, a little heavy, but very awesome for its first pass. I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with? I love the versatility of honeycomb, widgets are phenomenal on a large tablet screen. Everything is great about the interface so far, although there are a few things here and there which make no sense, but I'm sure they'll fix that. I ran into some bugs, called Moto support, they troubleshooted with me, fixed it and were really cool about it. As far as hardware, the materials are great, but definitely Motorola needs to learn a thing or two about button placement. They put the sleep/wakeup button on the back of the device. I used to like to hit the home button on the iPad to wake it up and do stuff (while I was having a bowl of cereal for example), with the Xoom I can't do that, I HAVE to pick up the device. Another interface/hardware awkwardness are the volume buttons and I cannot find a way to change volume within the device itself, unless I press the volume hardware buttons a window will popup.

    Other than that, I can live with all this, and the device is extremely awesome and a fresh feeling of a new UI the way it should be done for a tablet.

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  • 2011 Daily Fashion Day Planner

  • eawmp1
    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    I thought looking at my location histories was interesting. I, too, have no delusions that I cannot be tracked (cell phone, credit card purchases, etc.) I wonder if all the paranoids realize that any GPS camera encodes that information in the image. Share that photo online and anyone can get the metadata with location of photograph.

    You wanna be connected, you can't be truly anonymous.
    You wanna be anonymous, sell you computer, smart phone, cut up credit cards, and move to an undocumented shack in the middle of nowhere with no utilities.

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  • 4God
    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    If true, these definitely would be powerful machines, however for people like myself, the power and resulting price tag will be simply too much to justify. Leave the Xeons for the PowerMacs, but introduce some mini-tower machines with Conroe chips - they would fit nicely between the iMac and PowerMac. For me, the Mac mini isn't enough, the iMac is great, however non-upgradeable. I'd like something upgradeable, where I could replace/upgrade HDDs, optical drives, and most importantly the display - yet a PowerMac is overkill for my needs. It sure would be nice to see, but I doubt Apple will do it... :cool:

    Well said, I agree with you. Apple, IMHO, needs an "inbetween" machine for upgradablity. This would shorten the gap between consmumer and prosumer.

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  • ksz
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    Jobs and Raskin were both proponents of that concept, and it lives in in some of the userbase.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jef Raskin at his home in Pacifica a year before he passed away. He loved to play musical instruments and performed a short recital on his piano. Later that evening, after showing his Apple I in a wooden box, he encouraged me to read his book The Humane Interface and let him know what I thought about it. Sadly, I wasn't able to do that in time. But the conversation we had made it clear that he was not a fan of Steve Jobs. They both had strong opinions on various aspects of UI design. Even though I rather like OS X, Raskin politely argued against the inefficiencies of that design.

    It was some time ago and I don't remember all the details from that night, but Raskin, I think, was more scientific in his approach. He preferred to study user response rates, time-to-decision, amount of eye movement, amount of pointer movement, number of mouse clicks, and various other factors that might contribute to 'dead' or wasted time.

    daily planner. 2011 Daily Planner
  • 2011 Daily Planner

  • fsck-y dingo
    Apr 27, 08:53 AM
    for all the tin foil hatters out there, what will happen to the phone performance when the location services are turned off?

    Improved battery life. :)

    I only activate Locations Services when I feel it's needed. Maps, Star Walk and MLB at Bat are about the only ones that come to mind. I don't keep Location Services turned on all of the time. I switch it on before using one of these. For The Weather Channel and other apps that require a location to function I manually enter it.

    I've got the Cydia tweak Untrackerd installed and haven't noticed a slow down with any apps regarding location. I run Speed Test without Location Services and it's quick to choose a nearby server using cell tower info. This is why I don't think the record of previously used towers is needed as much as Apple says. Things work well, and fast enough, without these stored lists.

    daily planner. She wanted a daily planner
  • She wanted a daily planner

  • puuukeey
    Aug 6, 07:42 PM

    What os x needs to kill vista is to stop rehashing the same tired window metaphors and come up with something killer. Even if, at first, it has to fit into a new view INSIDE a window. It's been 15 years that researchers have had better and cooler ways to get around and use a computer. Spotlight is the perfect technology to slay the hierarchy metaphor but a poor poor implimentation. Even something as elementry as "bumptop" or ZUIs, but hopefully along the lines of Jeff Hans work which I'm sure we're all familiar with by now. or god forbid something original.

    apple puts one tiny little gadget such as a gyroscopic sensor in a laptop and people have been going nuts writing cool software. imagine what would happen if they actually tried

    Jeff Han rightfully mocks Bill AND steve (

    daily planner. moleskine daily planner 2011.
  • moleskine daily planner 2011.

  • scottlinux
    Sep 13, 01:54 PM
    Hey everybody the Big News is
    NBC Today Show went High Definition today!

    The Today show is an embarrassment. The US major tv networks do not have any real morning news programs. How to trim your dog's ears and an inside look into American Idol contestants is NOT NEWS. It is an entertainment talk show.

    daily planner. Daily Planner Calendars
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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 24, 08:17 PM
    Mine is installing right now too. The install process is rather long and tedious, but I can't wait to try out the Top Gear track first if I can. I wonder how many petrolheads are going to do that first? :D
    Idk how long it took, i put the disc in and got lunch. When i came back it was done :)

    So far i'm loving it. The physics are a huge step forward from any other console sim, the AI is much better than GT4 (though still not great), and the xp system works really well. I agree with the reviews though, its an incredible sim but lacks in other areas, like leaderboards and whatnot. Luckily i bought the game simply to drive and collect cars, so its pretty perfect for me.

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  • Willis
    Jul 28, 06:11 AM
    gnasher729, thanks for taking the time to explain that. I had to read it twice, but I get it.

    So it seems that in many ways we're getting the best of the G5 and the best of Intel with the Core 2 Duo chips. As these kinds of things unfold, Apple's decision to switch to Intel chips makes more and more sense. They probably knew where Intel was going. Interesting.

    *sigh* REMEMBER! Apple said they were changing in June 06 at the last WWDC. Even though Intel are just annoucing now, im sure if apple was waiting, they might of 'bumped' it up a notch.

    Ah well, at least we have some good products now. i cant imagine still looking at a powerbook and ibook still for sale.

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  • Sean.Perrin
    Jul 14, 10:54 PM
    Not a chance in the near future. Blu Ray and Sony are in utter shambles right now.

    Sony really is in shambles... what is wrong with that company? They've really lost any focus they might have had and some terrible ideas in have come and inevitably gone. (Will the PS3 be next?).

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  • 2009 Pocket Daily Planner

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    Android has taken fanboyism to epic new proportions. You can't go anywhere on the Web these days without the Android Brigade screaming at you about how awesome, "free" and "open" it is and how you should get on board. Just post the comment "ANDROID FTW!!!" on Engadget and watch the upvotes ensue. And while they're celebrating their epic market share gains, they are referring to iOS users as "sheep." Riiiight.

    I thought the Apple vs Microsoft holy war was bad (and we have at least one pro MS astroturfer on this Apple-oriented site), but Google seriously has a mindlock on some of these people. (I'm not referring to all Android users, mind you, only the ranting/raving types (which seem to be the majority these days).

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 12:06 PM
    Not as a separate thing. It's the grid IN COMBINATION with the other things that constitutes the trade dress.

    Then it sure doesn't apply to all models then if the trade dress claim is an AND'd combination. Is the trade dress claim only applicable to certain models in the ones listed in the complaint ?

    Jul 20, 01:07 PM
    New Apple Mac Pro Dual Quad

    Dual Intel Xeon 8400 Quardro processors at 3.4Ghz (2 x 4 core)
    2Gb Buffered DDR2 RAM
    750 Gb Sata2 Hard drive
    Blue Ray Super drive 2x
    Regular DVD rom in second bay
    ATI X1900 video card 512mb PCI express x16


    More like $13,950


    Sep 18, 11:09 PM
    APPLE I NEED A NEW MACBOOK PRO. I NEED FIREWIRE 800, I NEED A DL SuperDrive, i'd like MEMROM. If you had to releace a half-assed Prosumer laptop in the first place to start your transition for the love of god PLEASE update it now. Its been a LONG time since we've seen any updates. Apple is now competeing in INTEL land, were they need to keep their laptops current. Releace the laptops (notebooks in your case as you like to call them) i'll place the order and wait for them to ship. PLEASE.!


    Eh what choices do you have if Apple doesn't wish to play by your needs... buy from another vendor? Let the "free market" decide? Oh wait, I forgot, for Macs there is no free market, it is basically a monopoly.

    Sep 1, 11:15 AM
    Idk, that just doesnt sound right...
    They have higher-res models from the GT4/GTPSP artists (everything 3d is made with super high poly counts then downgraded as the game's engine requires) so i dont understand why they would use the low poly models from GT4 when it would take just as much time to export a higher res model from Maya.

    Time will tell i suppose, but it just doesnt make sense for them to gimp standard cars for no reason.

    Apr 8, 12:56 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Guys Apple is not to blame for this one. Well other than doing business with a sleazy business like Best Buy.

    Honestly it has been like eight years since I've entered a Best Buy, everything about the place just feels undesirable and corrupt. The fact that many here are surprised at this non-sense highlights a marginal expectation for ethical behavior. No one really needs to shop at Best Buy, there are plenty of alternatives.

    I don't know, I usually go into Best Buy and find stuff at good prices. However, the cables are a ripoff, but most cables are anywhere. I'd still go to Best Buy for some stuff.

    Sep 18, 02:19 PM
    The Thinkpad X40 I'm typing from Bluescreened on me no longer than three weeks ago. My crime? coming out of suspend mode.

    Windows Crashes.

    Believe it or not, Mac OS X can crash too. While it is prettier, it's still a crash.

    Pretty funny reading the last few pages, thanks for the laughs.

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