Saturday, September 24, 2011

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  • CatsintheCraddle
    05-04 03:31 PM
    Thanks for the reply. You're right, emotion or logic has nothing to do with USCIS:):)

    I don't have the letter with me but the denial is based on a law pertaining to me only submitting a partial answer to their request. How true that is is up to debate as my cosponsor says no but really, it doesn't matter what we say when the USCIS say something different.

    We will not be getting a lawyer, we cannot afford that right now but we will probably file for the motion to reopen my case. I have a somewhat good understanding of what I need to do but not sure how successful we will be. Hopefully, they will accept our fee waiver form becuase we probably won't be sending them money. We would still like to know if anyone has tried to have their case reopened and how long it took and how it went.

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  • sam_hoosier
    06-22 04:47 PM
    Is this based on where my I-140 is filed ? If so, it will be Nebraska.

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  • gc_eb2_waiter
    11-16 04:08 PM

    Senate Passed S. Res. 299 Recognizing Festival of Diwali

    On November 14, 2007, the Senate passed the following resolution:
    Whereas Diwali, a festival of great significance to Indian Americans and South Asian Americans, is celebrated annually by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains throughout the United States;
    Whereas there are nearly 2,000,000 Hindus in the United States, approximately 1,250,000 of which are of Indian and South Asian origin;
    Whereas the word ``Diwali'' is a shortened version of the Sanskrit term ``Deepavali'', which means ``a row of lamps'';
    Whereas Diwali is a festival of lights, during which celebrants light small oil lamps, place them around the home, and pray for health, knowledge, and peace;
    Whereas celebrants of Diwali believe that the rows of lamps symbolize the light within the individual that rids the soul of the darkness of ignorance;
    Whereas Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving and the beginning of the new year for many Hindus;
    Whereas for Hindus, Diwali is a celebration of the victory of good over evil;
    Whereas for Sikhs, Diwali is feted as the day that the sixth founding Sikh Guru, or revered teacher, Guru Hargobind, was released from captivity by the Mughal Emperor Jehangir; and
    Whereas for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha, or liberation, by Mahavira, the last of the Tirthankaras (the great teachers of Jain dharma), at the end of his life in 527 B.C.: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
    (1) recognizes the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali; and
    (2) in observance of Diwali, the festival of lights, expresses its deepest respect for Indian Americans and the Indian diaspora throughout the world on this significant occasion.
    Congratulations to East Indians.

    :D:D Happy to see that Senate recognised 5000+ Years of Indian celebration.
    I hope they don't need another :( 5000years to provide for relief in Employment based GCs.

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  • vasired
    08-15 03:21 PM
    Notice were from Nebraska.Recieved on 8/13 for me and 8/14 for my wife,even though both were posted on same date..good they gave up appointment at same date & same time


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  • lostinbeta
    10-14 02:17 AM
    You mean a paw print?

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  • seekerofpeace
    09-11 10:11 PM
    1 approved one pending so I voted. Actually I can vote for both "The approved" and "Awaiting Approval" polls...isn't that great....:(



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  • franklin
    07-11 02:18 PM
    Hey guys

    The Bay Area members need your help.

    We are madly preparing flyers, banners, handouts, prepping attendees and filing permits, but WE NEED EVERYONE'S HELP!

    We need volunteers from anywhere in the country to call up Bay Area members to rustle them into action and attend with us. We don't have the man power to do it all ourselves are getting overwhelmed organizing this.

    Post here or PM me if you can make a few phone calls for us

    Many thanks

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  • martinvisalaw
    06-03 06:15 PM
    CIS should not have asked for an Affidavit of Support, but the other documents are normal. It is not unheard of for employment-based I-485 applicants to be interviewed, but usually they are not called if the priority date is not current. CIS might have confused your case with a family matter. However, you should attend the interview, and send all documents they request except the I-864. You can explain that an Aff. of Support should not be required in an EB case.


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  • lee.cook
    January 30th, 2008, 01:03 PM

    What type of camera are you looking for?

    Point-and-shoot or a dSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex).

    The Sony Cybershoot is just your average P&S camera, small, light and compact.

    A dSLR for example, like the Nikon D40 or the Canon EOS 350D are dSLR type and are much bigger in size but deliver alot higher quality images.

    Nikon D40

    Canon EOS 350D

    What is your price budget too?

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  • Eberth
    10-28 10:00 PM
    what sucks?
    the page?? (i didnt even finished it :()
    or what they did to me ( yeah, that sucks) :(

    and i was only going to recieve 200 dlls for that page, i know it WAS my first job , but i've learned the lesson and i'm going to ask the first half of the price at the begining and the other half at the end :evil:

    the only thing makes me happy is that i almost make my 100th post :cowboy: :P


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  • bobzibub
    04-29 09:03 AM
    Can you please explain why it is utter nonsense? I think you have very strong reasons for saying so. Would like to hear from you.


    The original quote: puts the priorities of illegals above those of Citizens and legal people

    There is no allowance for "illegals" in the legal system. They are basically tarring roofs and picking crops with no government protection for their safety etc. The crap jobs are always the worst for this sort of thing. And since they are "exploitable" it is essentially a subsidy for business to hire them.

    Is there *any* case where an "illegal" has superior rights to a Citizen? I don't think so. The statement is nonsense.

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  • gcisadawg
    09-25 02:45 PM


    The slide is very informative and catchy. But the title could have been better. I thought of sending this to my colleagues at work. But the title
    "What part of legal immigration don't you understand?" stopped me.
    It could have been "Legal immigration 101" or something to that effect.


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  • xtetic
    03-11 09:37 AM
    from what i understand it is legal for now, but for sure it might raise some eyebrows. i for one know this guy who applied 2 h1's from 2 employers from india. he did get his receipt# from one of them but he got a rfe nd got rejected. i don't know details if the rfe was for 2 apps or for some other issue with the cmpy itself.....will try to contact that guy n d update here

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  • hebbar77
    03-12 08:08 PM
    I had same problem. I was told to re -apply after i called in feb (after 30 days of approval).
    Next day I called again, and used s**t word on them. Then they told me that they might not have sent it. Meanwhile I also got status change of case transfer. Few days ago status changed to document sent. I am waiting for the document. Hopefull I get it. At any cost I will not spend a penny on immigration anymore let alone re-applying for AP. I rather party or do charity with that money!


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  • immigrationvoice1
    03-20 11:54 AM
    I entered US through Logan on Dec 12th, 2007 and got i94 till Nov 2010.
    When I applied for SSN at Norwood SSN office, they told me that the immigration dept have to cross verify my visa details and confirm them back which is still not done. Without SSN, Payroll is not generated. I have to return back to India in next 1 week. Can someone let me know the contact info of immigration people. Is this common thing to happen or i need to fight it out Any input will be appreciated. Thanks

    I was in the same situation and was told by the SSN office person ( a very helpful guy) to re-apply and enter my address as of the SSN office address and he kept my cell number. He said he will call me as soon as the number arrives and then again when the actual card arrives. He called me on both occasions and I got my number in 2 days and the card in less than a month !

    I was very grateful for the help and advice the SSN office person provided me at that time.

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  • sunny1000
    12-14 12:15 AM
    If married in India & want to take divorce in USA what is the procedure & will it be a valid divorce?

    Sorry to hear that your marriage did not work out. If there is a way to work it out, please do via marriage counseling.

    If not, give us some more details about your present situation to give you a qualified answer. I am attempting with what I have.

    I assume that you both are Indian citizens.

    If you and your spouse consent to the divorce mutually, you can obtain it here in the U.S (in your state of residence) as per the state law since divorce in the U.S is a state subject OR get it in India by mutual consent (it takes 6 months to obtain a divorce by mutual consent).

    If your divorce is going to be contested and you both live here in the U.S, then, you can file here provided you believe that your spouse will not take refuge under the Indian laws by going back at any point during the start of the process (once you serve her/him with the Notice of action and she/he responds to it in the Court here in the U.S, that court has the jurisdiction usually).

    If your divorce is going to be contested by your spouse AND if he/she is moving to India OR if already living in India, you are better off filing there. But, believe me, in this scenario, there is no good answer as you are in the lose/lose situation. Here is why:
    1. It is very difficult to get a divorce in India, if contested (especially if contested by women) and it takes a very long time (average is 3 years in the Family court and it takes another 5-8 years to go thru the appeals process in the High court and the Supreme Court, if one of you choose to do so).
    2. He/she can counter your divorce by filing what is called "Restitution of conjugal rights" (yes, India is one of those countries which still has this section) which entitles him/her temporary maintenance until the cases (both Restitution and Divorce) are settled, if he/she is not working (it runs in the average of Rs.35000 to Rs.40000 a month for you, if you are a working spouse from the U.S). Based on the final judgement, you will be responsible for a final settlement which may include property, monthly/one time alimony, child support etc.
    3. You will have to appear for every hearing in person which is every 15 days to a month (exception is Karnataka where you can give power of Attorney to a relative. Even in that case, you will have to fly in every 6 months).
    4. If her/his lawyer is a scumbag, he/she can harrass you by threatening to file false charges against you.

    Please note, getting a divorce ex parte in U.S is very difficult and is also not valid in India. Your spouse can contest that in the Indian Supreme Court and you will be issued with a subpoena/summon. Failure to appear will lead to an arrest warrant.

    Do a lot of research if your divorce is going to be contested in India and PLEASE consult a VERY qualified attorney in divorce law who can also handle international laws about divorce. This gets even more complicated if you have children. If any lawyer tells you that it will be over in 2-3 hearings, don't believe that unless it is a divorce by mutual consent.

    From my personal experience, please try the best to get an out-of-court settlement (by hanging the pride and ego outside the door) as it saves a lot of time,money and agony for you and your family. Contested divorce is one of the most painful experiences in one's life and it does leave a permanent scar.

    Good luck.


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  • amitjoey
    06-17 06:50 PM
    Total Contributions on this thread: $650- I am moving these to the funding thread. Please post your contributions on the funding thread.

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  • FredG
    May 29th, 2007, 07:35 AM
    Oh, I forgot in the above instructions. Manually focus so that nothing is in focus. That pretty much assures the only thing in focus is the dust/dirt.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    12-17 03:27 PM
    I had posted my query on another thread but thought of creating a new one with all the updates.

    My priority date is Feb 26, 2008 and I-140 mid 2008.
    It was applied under EB2 category (Masters Degree). Currently, I'm on the 5th yr of my H1. My 6th year starts in Feb 2009.

    Had received an RFE to which we responded but it still got denied On Dec 3, 2008. I didn't read the RFE but the lawyer said they have requested for Audited Financial statements of 2007 which my company does not have. The main reason for the denial was that the company has a loss and we did not provide Audited statements for 2007. I wasn�t being paid per the prevailing rate in 2007. So I couldn�t provide W-2 for 2007.

    My lawyer suggested that we appeal the denial and start a new PERM in EB3 category through the same company.

    She also suggested that in the appeal we show that I am being paid per the prevailing in 2008 since my priority date is in 2008. I have to respond to the Denial by Dec 30th but I will not have my W-2 by then. Am not in a position to provide pay stubs since the difference in pay is an adjustment in Dec.

    My question to you all are:

    1. Are these my only option to make sure I can renew my H1 after the 6th
    2. How long does an appeal take to respond?
    3. Is appeal my only way out? Can I request for a
    Motion to Re-open/Reconsider by Dec 30th and submit the W-2 in
    Jan 2009?
    4. If I show the prevailing wage of EB2 and I am filing another PERM in EB3,
    will that be a problem?
    5. At what stage of the green card process should I be in to be eligible for
    my H1 to be extended after my 6th year?
    6. Any other issues that might come up?


    I would suggest you appeal somewhere in Jan and meanwhile file for extension. Please talk to lawyer though.

    09-06 08:51 AM
    What an efficiency and consistency ? And we think Indian govt. offices are slow and inefficient. This is far worse than any other thing that I have heard of. The irony of it is that it is happening in US.

    01-29 05:46 PM
    How is e-Verify going to affect legal immigrants ?

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  • 485Question
    10-30 07:27 PM

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  • chanduv23
    06-28 02:46 PM
    I have an important question that I need to ask here. What is going to be Job title in employment verification letter. For example if I work in company as a Software consultant and H1B states that I am Programmer Analysts and my PERM labor has stated Software Programmer Engineer.

    So out of these 3 which one will going to be in my employment letter. I am unable to get in touch with attorney thru company and our HR doesnt know what to write in Employement letter. Any advise from people who already got their employement letter from their employer.


    Use your PERM labor one - thats the safest, I have used that - Attorney signed off saying that is right

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  • gcformeornot
    04-01 06:55 PM
    do not post on this forum. I am personally don't like LC subs. Genuine reasons for LS I can understand but this pure abuse of LS.
    People pl do not answer.

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  • vasu009
    07-11 03:34 PM
    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), chair of the House Immigration Subcommittee, sent Secretary Chertoff a list of questions and a request for documents from USCIS to get to the bottom of the whole Visa Bulletin fiasco. The letter is very interesting not just because it puts a heck of a lot of pressure on DHS right now, but also because Lofgren's folks imply from the questions that USCIS was short circuiting established security clearance procedures to "pre-request" visa numbers from DOS. If it turns out full security clearances were not carried out, USCIS will either need to say that they had the legal justification (which would be a public relations disaster for the agency) or that they intended to complete the checks after the fact (which would be a direct violation of their own regulations). The only way to avoid answering the questions and to make this go away would be to eat crow and start working the case July cases.

    Download letter_to_chertoff_re_visa_bulletin_issues_july_9_ 2007.pdf


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  • elanegeng
    12-29 04:32 PM
    I am in Bham...;)

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  • smuggymba
    10-18 03:13 PM
    My wife's on EAP (OPT), which is valid till next year and will be going to texas DMV tomorrow.

    any exp with texas DMV about giving DL to EAD OPT holders?


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  • franklin
    06-22 08:35 PM
    Seriously - give the amount of time and money each one of us spends to get a greencard, are you really that concerned with the difference of a few dollars on some photos?

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  • prinive
    03-15 04:46 PM
    Common no one to pledge.... :o


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  • GotGC??
    01-12 05:29 PM
    I understand this topic has been discussed ad nauseam, so I'm not raising this issue per se. I do not know where we stand on the likelihood of this provision getting passed by Feb 15th, but I do know that the Core group must be trying their best to get some provisions along these lines.

    But just in case the "AOS without current PD" is seen as too big a change by the law makers or its sponsors in the undustry, I think it might be worthwhile to consider some of its watered-down alternatives. The law makers themselves may have a perception of this provision "creating a log jam at the AOS stage", not unlike the (mis)perception of some of IV members themselves!

    Some alternatives are:
    (a) Ability to file I-485 if the I-140 has been approved for X years, or if the I-140 has been pending for Y years (this is similar the provision of the ability to file H1 extensions beyond 6 years if a labor is pending). The advantage of this provision is that this will sound familiar with an already existing law; and will let the floodgates to AOS slowly and in a more controlled manner.

    (b) Ability to file I-485 if the PD is within N years of the published PD in the Visa Bulletin. For example, assuming N = 2 years, India EB3 with PD 5/11/03 and India EB2 01/08/05 can file. Again this has the advantage of a more controlled entry via the Visa Bulletin, but at least it'll start clearing the queue and people can get their EAD, FBI name check, while waiting for the visa numbers to be available.

    (c) If an Labor has been approved for X years
    (d) If the alien has been on H1 for Y years
    or a combination of any of the above

    Please understand that I whole heartedly support the "AOS without current PD" provision; it's just that it would be wise to be ready with some alternatives should the need arise.

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  • sdrblr
    09-09 10:21 AM
    I had the similar mail "Welcome" and no CPO email or status. I got the "Official" welcome letter:D yesterday. The letter said welcome and card will be sent with in 3 weeks. I know couple of guys who go the card in a week. Waiting for the card today :)


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  • nlssubbu
    12-06 12:01 PM
    I asked my attorney the following question. His reply is in caps:

    Q) Is it true that I can enter US on AP and still retain my H1 if I declare at port of entry that I would like to use my H1? I would like to retain and use my H1.


    What is the feed back you guys have received from your legal counsels? Please share.

    I was in that status where my I-94 based on AP expired, but my attorney told me not to worry about it as my status is based on 'AOS'. I also had my H1B extended for 3 years after the I-140 approval, and they informed me the I-94 attached with H1B is still valid and not to worry.

    I also had not faced any issue while going out of US and my return as well.

    This is another grey area where attorneys differ and consult with them before hand, analyze the information provided before taking any decision.


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    09-04 01:01 PM
    You must be right ... I was not anticipating this turn of events whatsoever as I knew what the current PD is in the September Visa Bulletin but maybe they assign me a visa number when they got my application in June.... who knows...

    FP for me and my wife was done Aug 30th and LUD on 485 shows 31 Aug, but the description under there has not changed. So what does that mean

    PD EB3 Aug 2002
    FP Done: Aug 30 ,2007
    EAD :15 Aug 2007
    LUD 485 : 31Aug 2007


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  • dpp
    06-28 02:52 PM
    Use your PERM labor one - thats the safest, I have used that - Attorney signed off saying that is right

    Its wrong. Please check with other senior attorney. It is going to be a problem if you used like that.

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  • Appu
    04-08 04:23 PM
    Zogby, Time, CNN, ABC news, CBS news to do a poll this way:

    Who do you think is right on immigration - the house or the senate?

    I bet a majority will say "the senate". That should give the House anti-immigration group some pause.

    Right now the house majority is doing very badly in popular polls. With a poll like this, they will learn the wrongness of their ways! Like the senate did in the Schiavo case.

    If you do find a poll like this, popularize it by sending it to local news outlets.


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  • kaisersose
    07-11 06:16 PM
    I am seriouly looking out for a job as currently on bench from last one month and my employer doesn't pay the bench salary. Currently I am on EAD with my GC sponsering employer. I would appreciate if any of you pls. reply this post. My question is,

    If I joined a new employer using EAD-AC21 (as 11 month passed of my I-485) which is very small employer (currently have about 35 employees only), would it cause a problem in my GC process approval? I mean, do you think USCIS may create any RFC as I have join the very small employer, may ask any financial document to declare? Can you pls. tell me what are the potential problems my come in this situation?

    Pls. help, your reply will be highly appreciable?

    The Yates memorandum is very clear on this. It is not necessary for CIS to issue an Ability to pay RFE for the new employer. However, if they suspect fraud or some other problem, then they can always investigate. Having only 32 employees is obviously not a reason to start an investigation.

    Short answer - No potential problems.

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  • WaldenPond
    06-30 05:45 PM
    Hello baleraosreedhar,

    FOIA application takes not more than 10-15 days in few states. Anybody could easily get a copy of labor certification from the Department of Labor of the state in which it was filed. The process is generally very simple and is free. I would suggest most people should file for FOIA and get a complete copy of their labor certification documents even if it is approved. You never know when you may need it.

    For I-140 also one could file FOIA. But it is best for you to file FOIA with USCIS through an attorney. You only need a copy of the approval notice of
    I-140. If you know the tracking number, it would be very easy to file FOIA. But as I said, it would be best to ask an immigration attorney when filing FOIA application with USCIS. Or you may use the services of private company like to have a professional file and handle your application for pretty cheap (around $100).

    There is no benefit of going into the argument with your employer about the right or ownership to Labor certification, I-140 or I-485 documents. If you have a copy of your ETA-750 (know the description in ETA-750 form) and copy of approval notice of I-140, you could easily change jobs after six months of filing I-485. And that seems to be the fear of your current employer.

    If you may consider changing employer after filing 485, then no need to argue with the employer. It will just spoil the environment for the time you are there. Simply file FOIA and do what is best for you and your family.

    Just my 2 cents. Hope this is useful.


    Hi Gurus,

    I have a question regarding the Labour and I 140, I have joined company A with a promise of approved labour.

    My company has filed for my I140 and it got approved.

    I have asked for a copy of my Labour and I 140, the company representative says, these documents are Employer Centric, so they cannot give me those documents.

    I am really shocked to hear this, As these documents are related to my GC, I thought they should be with me,or alteast a copy of it, but that i snto the case.

    I would like to know if any of you guys had faced this problem, or is the reason given by the representative a genuine one.



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  • srini1976
    01-23 01:37 AM
    I used Clinton Bush Haiti Fund**|**Home ( to make my small contribution, it took less than 2 minutes, no account creation required, this site accepts paypal too.

    Thank you for providing the link. I also made my small contribution and also forwarded the link to my friends.

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  • NewToImmigrationVoice
    04-08 02:21 PM

    How come EB3 is getting major share from the annual limit for last three years(2007,2006, and 2005)

    Gurus : please through some light on this?

    I guess EB3 applications are more than EB2.

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  • lotta
    07-21 08:41 PM
    I am in H1 and filed for 485 and EAD, AP. Still have my H1B visa in my passport. Does getting EAD mean you are no more in H1? Or you really have to USE it to be out of H1.

    The general consensus is that only using an EAD invalidates H1.

    10-20 04:08 PM
    Can someone also share the NSC fax number please?

    Here is the fax number for NSC 4022196344

    07-31 01:54 PM
    Is your approved PERM (I-140/I-485 applied based on that PERM) and your earlier LC (in BEC) are from the same employer??

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  • raysaikat
    05-30 01:22 PM
    I am on OPT till August 2009.
    However my F1 visa expires May 30 2009.
    Also I do not have a job at present.

    Does my OPT override the F1 visa expiration?Can I stay legally in the US till August even if I do not have a job?


    The visa stamp on your passport does not determine your status once you are inside USA. Visa stamp on the passport is used just for entering the US. It is like a movie ticket. You will need the visa stamp on the passport only if you go out and need to come back again. The expiry date on the visa stamp simply means you cannot use that stamp to enter US after that date.

    Once you are inside US, usually it is I-94 that determines how long you can stay. In the case of F1, usually I-94 says D/S, which means "Duration of Status" --- i.e., as long as your F1 status holds according to I-20, you are good. OPT is a part of F1. So as long as you do not stay beyond the date of OPT expiration, you are good.

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  • Dhundhun
    10-15 01:49 PM
    Is the U.S. Losing Its Edge in Tech?

    In one word answer seems to be "yes". Few indicators are:

    - With CERN Large Hadron Collider, Europe took a quantum leap into physics
    - With Airbus A380, Europe taking lead in passenger aircraft. It is technically superior as only two flying crew member perform role of flight engineer and navigator. We can not forget supersonic Concorde.
    - In cloning several other countries are ahead
    - US does not have technology/infrastructure to make chepeast car in the world.
    - Due to business model, usually cellular devices/services are better in Europe and Asia
    - US is not economically better for putting Satelle in space, the economy is also one of the indicator of technology.
    - In car, Europeans are better

    However US $ muscle and can do things such as:

    - To keep superiority in air over SU MKI-30 (around $45 million), F-22 (around $200 million) can be mass manufactured
    - Deep space exploration, sending probes
    - Space shuttles for space research
    - NTSC was inferior to PAL and SECAM, can take a leap into HDTV

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  • singhsa3
    12-16 09:26 AM
    A freind of mine had two years EAD and don't have H1 anymore. His drivers License was denied as EAD is not considered a valid document for drivers License extention.
    This happened in Wayne , NJ.
    I too will be going for the renewal soon. Did anyone else faced similar situtation. If yes, how did they resolve?

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  • rharan
    05-02 02:29 PM
    Hello All,

    My RIR (EB3) is still pending and the PD is Nov 2004.

    My Perm (EB3) got approved April 2007.

    Now I'm on 7th year H1b based on my RIR date.

    If i file 140 based PERM and PD will be april 2007, If approved I'm eligible for 3 years H1 extension.

    What happen if my RIR got approved? Can I file another I140 and retain my PD as Nov 2004?

    Pl. advice.



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  • veni001
    06-04 10:34 AM
    If this is old then why did i see it on THOMAS as
    Title: A bill to provide for comprehensive immigration reform and for other purposes.
    Sponsor: Sen Reid, Harry [NV] (introduced 5/9/2007) Cosponsors (4)
    Latest Major Action: 5/25/2007 Senate floor actions. Status: Considered by Senate.
    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused::confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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  • ss_79
    05-10 04:18 PM
    I sincerely think that the reason why various immigration agencies are getting away with 'doing nothing' for Legal immigrants is because media does not discuss the backlogs in the immigration system. If we can focus on some really shocking request some reasonable media personnel to discuss and take up as a would be more helpful than all flower campaigns...and other forms of protests. I wrote to Fareed Zakaria today and you can do so as well. We can try other famous personalities on CNN such as Soledad O�Brien. If you know anybody on the Fox News side who might sympathize and investigate the issue, try them as well. Every media and politicians bracket us in the same group as illegals or fraud H1Bs...that image needs to change before something can happen...its absolutely bizarre and immoral in my opinion when the head of DHS cannot go to congress and say that there is an unfair situation for Legal Immigrants from India/China in the immigration system and she needs temporary assistance in fixing the system. Sec of State and Head of DHS surely have the authority to refer an unfair situation in the congress for a temporary legislative solution until the CIR is addressed.


    adriana lima 2011 photos. Posted on 01 May 2011 at
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  • BharatPremi
    11-09 04:00 PM
    if you have a resume, we'll just ask you to send it along
    as i said it's only purpose is to see if we can identify and match skillsets for various action itmes/iv roles/work groups. sometimes some things come up and we find great matches that way...
    we are not really interested in your GPA (superlative as i'm sure that is!) :D

    :D:D:D I'm sure writing skills can right away be determined from it. Analytical skills, yes... But my career resume would not say how skillful I was dealing with local BJP/Congress/Bahujan Samajwadi corporators or local district magistrates while I was in India:D

    Would wait for green signal to send it.

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  • neerajvir
    07-17 06:18 PM
    Just put a $100 contribution and pledge to put more in every quarter!


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  • thescadaman
    08-28 04:36 PM
    Members, please don't raise your guards against IV Core. Especially folks who have attended the DC Rally! People like you who had to Will to attend the Rally know how big of an issue we are facing. We need all the support we can muster right now.

    In the past, we had big contribution campaigns as and when some major hurdle was at hand. Such contribution campaigns needed a lot of effort. People had to come up with ways to motivate people to contribute, matching plans, $5 campaigns etc. etc. What IV needs is a continuous flow of funds so that it can constantly work on the lobbying effort without worrying about cash.

    As I had mentioned in few other posts, IV had to come up with a way to have a renewable source of funds. Donor forum was the answer. You don't contribute to obtain information. You contribute to support the bigger cause and as a compliment, you get access to Donor forums. This contribution should be accounted as any other expense on your monthly budget (vonage!, cable, EB immigration reform etc.)

    Disclaimer: I am not anywhere close to IV Core. I am just a casual member who believes that constant contribution on a monthly basis is a good way to support our bigger goal.

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  • amulchandra
    05-11 10:41 AM
    Hi all,

    Thank you very much. We finally succeeded but got appointments on different dates. The mistake we made was we tried to choose the option - group appointment for co-workers/family members. But when we called VFS customer support they told us that we cannot get a group appointment because we have 2 H1bs and 2 H4s. It seems that group appointment is possible only when all in the group are either H1bs or one is h1b and rest all are H4s.

    We wasted a lot of time trying to get a family appointment. But the funny thing is that it allowed us both H1bs to enter separate petition details for the same appointment but did not allow us to get the dates.

    Hope this helps others who are trying to get group h1b and h4 appointments.

    Thank you once again



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  • bmoni
    08-19 07:37 PM
    I'm planning to travel to India next month. My passport expires in December 09 and my H1b stamp on the passport expires in July of 2010. Will there be any problem at the POE because of the short valid months left in the passport and H1B visa.


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  • humsuplou
    12-01 07:14 PM
    Thanks for the input.
    I actually went to my appoitnment this morning at my local uscis office, the lady was nice. but i was told that the hospital letter need to state what are my granma's sickness instead just sayong terminally ill. and she had me to go back with a new letter tomorrow, and if her supervisor approves it, I will get it right away.
    just some info to share.
    wish me luck!


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  • voicerj
    04-04 10:34 AM
    Lets post here if you are Post July 2007 applicant and have received email /mail from NVC ( National Visa Center ) to pay visa fees. Share your PD and other details you received from NVC.

    People who have selected CP option in their I 140 application will get notice for fees from NVC.

    Note : NVC sends out fee invoice in advance if they think date will be current for given applicant in near future. ( Approx 4-6 months ). I have read on internet that people with PD up to Nov 2007 are getting fees invoice. I want to track if any IV members beyond July 2007 got such invoice. This will be true indicator where date will land in last quarter.

    I have a question - If a person has not even filed for 485 as is the case because dates never moved beyond July 2007 then how come NVC sends out fee invoice?

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  • rbalaji5
    02-09 04:07 PM
    Thanks Life2live,
    Could you shed some more light to extend without going out of country. I dont want to go through the same process which I did for H1B extension (thru I-129) due to the recent amendment.

    I live in California now.


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  • mhtanim
    10-07 01:39 PM
    So, you can keep driving in Maryland with your Ohio license as long as it's valid but you cannot get a Maryland drivers license because of some stupid notes written on the Ohio license?

    This is really frustrating to see how some states target (segregate?) the legal immigrants.

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  • polapragada
    09-04 12:36 AM
    Jeez! This is a really deplorable situation. USCIS has all the information and they are asking AILA for help? Why not just ask the guys who have their AOS cases pending? It's so unfortunate that this needs to be done.

    You are right


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  • vts31
    10-15 08:34 PM
    my sis watches that

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  • rb_248
    11-14 08:24 PM
    I totally agree that we must channelize all our frustration into positive energy. But, sometimes I get a feeling that I don't belong in the US anymore and why should I fight for something that is never going to happen. :(

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  • jotv
    11-19 01:09 PM
    thank you for your reply .

    i have another question is i took the dd in hdfc is 4322/- by combinding 4000+322. is this the correct way or should i have to take two different ?iam lokking for first time h1b visa stamping .i already mentioned this.

    before going to interview i have to take any other dd like h4 persons will do? if yes how much ? because i read some where 20,000 for blanket petition .

    please tell me what documents i have to take to the interview? is there any sample questions list ?

    i appriciate your help really.

    11-21 11:51 AM
    please close this thread.

    09-17 08:31 AM
    I also was in the same situation when I came back from India and used AP.